4 Common Mistakes When Using Exterior Landscape Lights

4 Common Mistakes When Using Exterior Landscape Lights

As a homeowner, you may be looking to increase the security and beauty of your home using exterior landscape lighting, but this isn’t always easy. If you don’t use them correctly, lights can create just as many problems as they solve. So it’s important to know how to avoid common mistakes. We’ll discuss four common mistakes when using exterior landscape lights. By understanding these four errors and how to fix them when installing your outside lights, you can enjoy the fantastic results of an illuminated outdoor environment for years.

Don’t Use Poor-Quality Lights

When it comes to outdoor lighting, many homeowners make the mistake of investing in poor-quality lights. While these may seem budget friendly at first, they can actually end up costing you more in the long run. Poor-quality lights provide inadequate illumination and tend to burn out quickly, leaving you constantly replacing bulbs and fixtures. It’s important to choose high-quality exterior landscape lights to avoid this issue. Look for fixtures with durable materials, such as brass or copper, that can withstand harsh weather conditions. Also, consider investing in energy-efficient LED lights that can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

Don’t Install Lights Too Close Together

One common mistake homeowners make when installing exterior landscape lights is placing them too close together. While this may seem like a logical way to illuminate your outdoor space, it can negatively affect the overall look and functionality of your lighting. When lights are too close together, they create glare and make it difficult to see, detracting from the ambiance you’re trying to create. Additionally, the close proximity of the lights can make your outdoor space look cluttered and overcrowded. It’s essential to space your lights an appropriate distance apart to create the best look possible.

Don’t Use Too Few Lights

Your home’s exterior is the first impression people have of your property, so it’s important to make sure it has proper illumination for both safety and aesthetics. While using fewer exterior landscape lights may seem cost-effective, it can leave your property inadequately lit. To determine how many landscape lights to use, consider the size of your property and the areas that need illumination, such as walkways or entranceways. Finding the right balance can create a well-lit exterior landscape that makes your home look inviting and enhances its overall curb appeal.

Don’t Forget About the Power Source

When it comes to enhancing the outdoor appearance of your home, landscape lighting is an excellent idea. However, one crucial aspect that homeowners tend to overlook is an appropriate power source. Forget about the power source, and your investment in landscape lighting becomes meaningless. Installing lights with inadequate power can lead to underpowered illumination or electrical hazards. Choosing the correct voltage for your outdoor lighting installation is essential to ensure an adequate power supply.Now that you know what mistakes to avoid when installing exterior landscape lights, you can take the necessary steps to make your landscape look stunning. Check out Astoria Lighting for landscape lighting design and installation to achieve a stunning look and ambiance for your home’s exterior. With this knowledge under your belt, you can invest confidently in exterior landscape lights.

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