Finding the Right Outdoor LED Lights for Your Home

Finding the Right Outdoor LED Lights for Your Home

LED lighting systems are one of the best options for your home’s exterior because they are versatile and energy-efficient. However, there are a few key elements to know when determining the best lights for you. Here’s what to consider when finding the right outdoor LED lights for your home.


Lumens are the first thing to consider when choosing outdoor LED lights for your home. Lumens are a form of measurement to determine the brightness of a light. Using lumens is a more direct way to measure your light’s brightness than watts. Outdoor lighting typically requires anywhere from 50 to 2400 lumens, depending on what kind of lights you have. For example, floodlights for security purposes will require 700 to 1300 lumens because they are much brighter lights. So when you are choosing LED lights for your home’s exterior, you will want to make sure you are using the right amount of lumens for your specific lighting needs.

Color Temperature

The next thing to keep in mind when you’re picking out your home’s outdoor LED lighting is color temperature. Light bulbs use the Kelvin scale to measure color temperature. So, for example, warm white is around 3000K (K standing for Kelvin), while cool white is closer to 5000K. The lower the number on the Kelvin scale, the warmer the color temperature. The higher you get on the Kelvin scale, the cooler the color temperature. It’s completely up to you and your personal preference what color temperature your LED lights should be. Warmer tones tend to be homier and more inviting, while cooler lighting is better for security purposes.

Smart Features

Smart features are another thing you will want to think about as you choose the right outdoor LED lights for your home. Many LED lighting systems come with smart features that give you more personalized control over your home’s outdoor lighting. For example, there are app control features that allow you to turn your lights on and off with the touch of a button. You can operate your lights no matter where you are. Then there are also timers that allow you to set up a specific schedule for your lighting that works wonders when you are away from home or on vacation. Some LED systems also have a color-changing tool that enables you to switch your lights’ color temperature and hue to whatever color your heart desires.Now that you know what to look for when choosing the right outdoor LED lighting for your home, you can find the perfect option for you today. Check out Astoria Lighting Co.’s fantastic selection of LED lighting for your home, including the popular exterior soffit lighting fixtures.

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